Felipe Fittipaldi

6x6 South America Talent: Felipe Fittipaldi, Brazil

“So much is captured of the urban hardships of Brazil but Felipe’s work in the rural environments, which in no way turns a blind eye to the unique hardships that exist there, make him one of the first photographers that come to mind when I think of those whose vision still needs to be seen more by the rest of the viewing and watching world.”  - Dan Immel, USA, editor, curator, photographer, and project manager.

Born in 1982, Felipe Fittipaldi is a Brazilian photographer currently based in Rio de Janeiro. Fittipaldi has been awarded with the Picture of the Year Latam, a Lens Culture Emerging Talents Award 2017, Life Framer Award 2017, National Geographic Photo Contest, SEBRAI Journalism Award, I Exhibition CCSP, Magnum Caravan Scholarship 2017 and PEF 2017, amongst others.


Located in the delta of Paraíba do Sul river, one of the most important rivers in the Brazilian southeast region, Atafona is a place that unveils the action of time on contemporary society and the crisis in the relationship between humans and nature. In past decades, the sea has been rising and submerging the small town’s quarters. Its dunes conceal about 400 buildings, including public constructions, residential blocks, hotels, a gas station and a church. A number of factors–including rising sea levels, strong winds and the disastrous human interventions all along the riverbed–has made Atafona the biggest case of sea erosion in Brazil. Brazil has the world’s largest renewable water resources. The country is now facing the consequences of its abuses in the past. In 2015, two other important Brazilian rivers, São Francisco and Rio Doce, were condemned. São Paulo, Brazil’s biggest city, is running dry. This is a starting point for debates on the causes and trends regarding the use and conservation of Brazil’s water resources.

Backlands Sertão

The population dynamics of rural areas in the semi-arid region of Brazil has been marked by a drastic decrease in population, especially in the last 50 years. Researchers of the demographic dynamics point out that the great change observed in the last years is the conversion of the generalized rural exodus into a more selective process, which preferentially sends the young and highly productive population to the cities. Newly arrived infrastructure and new technologies have enabled a profound cultural transformation. The new generation, now connected to new references, tends to migrate in search of opportunities away from isolation and the hard work in the fields. Faced with this emptying, the old generation that remains may be the last representative of traditional culture; in this difficulty of convergence between the old and the new, many choose to remain in their places of origin.

Discover work by the 6x6 South America talents, and find out about 6x6’s nomination and selection process.