Abdo Shanan, Algeria

A Little Louder

On February 22, 2019, Algerian people demonstrated to protest against the political situation in the country. Since then, every Friday demonstrators take over the streets throughout the country. Men and women from different ages walk side by side to express their censure to the current situation and demand political change. However, during the week, people keep struggling. This project contrasts Friday with the rest of the week, the loud protest with the social struggle.

Protesters during a march in Algiers, Algeria, June 2019.

Karim attempted to cross the Mediterranean sea, but failed. Mascara, Algeria, August 2019.

Mokhtar in his room. Police arrested him just before he tried to cross the sea to go to Spain. "I needed to leave because I felt that even my family doesn't believe in my dreams". Mokhtar wants to be a rapper. Mascara, Algeria, August 2019.

Protesters during a march in Algiers, Algeria, June 2019.

See the project on Witness

See more work by 2019 Joop Swart Masterclass participants here