Nikita Teryoshin

I’ve Never Been to Russia

Mass events, ceremonies, marches, and parades are the order of the day in Moscow and St. Petersburg. I’ve Never Been to Russia explores these two cities, focusing on their citizens and their role in these events often staged by the government. The project is also a photographic discovery of Teryoshin’s home country, which he left nearly 20 years ago.  

Artist takes a break during a cosmonaut performance at Moscow's 872th Anniversary celebrations in September 2019.

Living fish inside of an aquarium waiting to being eaten at ‘Depo’ in Moscow, a modern market with many restaurants offering food from all over the world. September 2019.

Victory Day celebrations at the Red Square, Moscow, Russia, in May 2019. The Immortal Regiment march was surprised by a storm.

Green garbage can with a plastic bag waving around in the wind. Moscow, September 2019.

See the project on Witness

See more work by 2019 Joop Swart Masterclass participants here