
Pablo Corral Vega


Pablo Corral Vega is an Ecuadorian photojournalist and lawyer whose work has been published in National Geographic, National Geographic Traveler, Smithsonian magazine, The New York Times Sunday magazine, Audubon, the French, German, Spanish, and Russian editions of Geo, and other international reviews. He is the founder and director of nuestramirada.org, the largest network of Latin American photojournalists. He was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University until June 2011.

Corral’s work has been exhibited in Perpignan, Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Tokyo, Seville, Washington DC, and Houston, and he has published five books of photography: Tierra Desnuda, Paisajes del Silencio, Ecuador: De la Magia al Espanto, Ecuador and Andes. For Andes, published by the National Geographic Society, Nobel Prize winning author Mario Vargas Llosa wrote 20 short stories inspired by the photos.

Pablo Corral Vega