How to prepare

In preparation to enter the 2024 Contest

Entries to the 2024 World Press Photo Contest were open from 1 December 2023,13.00 CET to the extended deadline of 12 January 2024,13.00 CET (Amsterdam time). To prepare to enter the contest:

1. Make sure you have the correct document(s) to confirm your status as a professional photographer.

This does not have to be a press card, there are several other ways to provide this information. For example, a membership document or recommendation letter from a recognized photographic association or at least one proof of publication from 2022 or 2023, with your name visible as credit. Take a look at our entry rules to see which documents we accept as proof.

Did you know?
If you are part of a team or collective, you can also submit your work to the contest. As long as every team member provides proof of professional status, we’d be very glad to review your registration. 

2. Decide on which of your best work you’d like to enter into the contest.

You can enter your work in four categories: Singles, Stories, Long-Term Projects, and Open Format. Take some time to familiarize yourself with these categories.

Did you know?
A photograph can only be entered once to any of the following categories: Singles, Stories, and Long-Term Projects. However, if a project or production entered into the Open Format category contains a photograph entered to the other categories as well, that is acceptable.

3. Learn more about the Open Format category. 

This category welcomes entries that feature innovative techniques, non-traditional modes of presentation, and new approaches to storytelling. Projects in this category can utilize other media (including, but not limited to, web-based platforms, animation, video, or sound) and/or employ techniques such as multiple exposure, montage, collage or alternative processes in ways that transform (news and documentary) still imagery. Read more about what is accepted in the Open Format category.

Did you know?
Although the Open Format category is open to a wider range of storytelling mediums, the main visual content of the project must be still photography. 

4. Read through the entry rules, even if you have entered the contest in the past.

We make adjustments every year so make sure you understand the do’s and don'ts for the 2024 Contest. Read the entry rules. 

Did you know?
Your work does not have to be published to be eligible for our contest. Photographs can be submitted whether or not they have been published.

5. Start writing captions for your photograph(s).

Writing captions for (each of) your photograph(s) can be time consuming. We recommend starting this process early. You can already take a look at our guidelines for writing captions.

Did you know?
All entries must have accurate captions and descriptions, written in English. If the captions have been translated, please also provide the original caption. 

6. Take some time to go through our code of ethics.

As a photographer, you must not intend to mislead by recreating or staging events. If you have any direct influence over the scene, such as reenactments or posed portraits, please let us know in the captions. You must also ensure that consent of those you have photographed has been appropriately handled. More info on both of these points can be found in the code of ethics.

7. Familiarize yourself with our regional model.

The 2024 World Press Photo Contest works with six global regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, North and Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia and Oceania. Entries will be judged according to the region in which they were shot. Learn more about which countries fall under each region and more about the judging process.

Did you know?
Selecting the region requires no work from you. All you have to do is enter your work into one of the four categories (Singles, Stories, Long-Term Projects, or Open Format) and your work will be sorted into the relevant region ahead of the judging process.

Are you looking for more specific information? Visit one of the following pages to find out more about: 

Image credit: Fabiola Ferrero, Magnum Foundation.