
Emile Ducke

"Emile’s innovative, exciting use of photography is surprising and genuine. He often works with a middle format camera and waits for the right situation to develop, making his photographs compellingly intimate." –

Ruth Eichhorn, Germany, freelance photo editor and curator

Emile (b. 1994) is a documentary photographer from Munich currently based in Moscow. After spending an exchange semester at Tomsk State University in Siberia he decided to put off finishing his college degree in photojournalism and documentary photography in Hannover and move to Moscow to be closer to the stories he wants to tell. In his work he aims to explore how historic changes affect communities.

See Emile Ducke's 'Diagnosis' on Witness, World Press Photo's online magazine.

Emile Ducke received a nomination from Ruth Eichhorn.

Find out about the 6x6 nomination process and our growing community of global nominators.

Emile Ducke