
Luján Agusti


“Luján's work is unexpected, visually stunning, and always incorporates sharp, pointed references to the historical contexts of the issues she's investigating with her work. The combination makes for thought-provoking images that blur the lines of documentary and fine art, reality and memory, past and present.” – Daniella Zalcman, USA, photographer 

Born in Argentina in 1986, Luján Agusti is a visual storyteller based in Mexico.

In 2017 she was awarded the Women Photograph + ONA Grant, the Emerging Artist Scholarship Recipient of Lucie Foundation, and the CUARTOSCURO Foundry Scholarship.

Luján was selected for the XXX Eddie Adams Workshop, and the New York Times Portfolio Review, and nominated for World Press Photo’s Joop Swart Masterclass in 2016 and 2017.

A recipient of the 2016 Roberto Villagraz Fellowship of EFTI and the Young Stimulus Prize of the ArtexArte Biennial, she was also selected for the XVII Photography Biennial of Centro de la Imagen, Mexico (2016).

Her work has been exhibited internationally, and has been published in National Geographic, The New York Times - LENS blog, The New York Times en Español, The British Journal of Photography, Vice and de Volkskrant, among others.

In 2016 she published her first photobook "Un montón de ropa" (A pile of clothes), and received the First Prize of the Book Call of Encontros da Imagem, in Portugal, and was nominated for the First Book Award of MACK Books that same year.

See Luján Agusti's 'Diablos de Cuajinicuilapa' on Witness, World Press Photo's online magazine.

Luján Agusti received nominations from Raphaela Rosella, Shehab Uddin, Daniella Zalcman and Erika Larsen. Find out about the 6x6 nomination process and our growing community of global nominators.

Luján Agusti