
Oscar B Castillo


“Oscar tries to understand the recent manifestations of violence and its relation with the political situation and with daily lives of the people of Venezuela. His view is radical, unadorned and mind opening. He puts a lot of energy and his whole heart into understanding the reality of his subjects and so getting as close as possible to the truth. The pain, Venezuela is going through, is given a human face with his images. His projects are long term, persistent and profound.” – Ruth Eichhorn, Germany, freelance photo editor and curator

Born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1981, Oscar B Castillo studied psychology at Venezuelan Central University. A thirst for adventure and interest in social movements led him to travel, but a curiosity in photography brought him back to formal education.

Oscar’s professional work as photographer has been geared towards social subjects that 
promote ideas of solidarity, tolerance and respect.

Parallel to his photographic work, he has developed a passion for teaching, seeing photography as a tool for education, inclusion and social improvement. As an 
instructor and teacher, he has led participatory photographic workshops with children from excluded communities in Mexico, youngsters in IDP camps in post-earthquake Haiti, and or inmates inside Venezuelan prisons. He has taught in formal educational programs in Colombia, Argentina and Venezuela, amongst others, and collaborated regularly with Foundry Photo Workshops.

Oscar’s work has been published by international publications and has been exhibited in Angkor Festival in Cambodia, Festival della Fotografia Etica in Italy, and Lumix Festival in Hannover, Germany as well as in Austria, Cuba, USA, and Colombia.

His coverage of the Venezuelan socio-political fractures was recognized with an Eugene Smith Fellowship in 2016, and by Picture of the Year Latin America in 2015. Oscar is a 2014 Emergency Fund by Magnum Foundation grantee and a 2016 On Religion Program by Magnum Foundation grantee. At the Eddie Adams Workshop XXVI, he was awarded the Tim Hetherington Special Award.

Oscar B Castillo received a nomination from Ruth Eichhorn. Find out about the 6x6 nomination process and our growing community of global nominators.

Oscar B Castillo