
Partnering with World Press Photo  

Become a Partner

Become a Partner

We are a small team with a big mission: Connect the world to the stories that matter.

Will you help us promote mutual understanding, oppose censorship and challenge misinformation? With your help, we can bring accurate, diverse, and trustworthy photojournalism to an ever-growing number of people.

You can get involved in various ways, for example as a strategic partner, or as a funder, whether or not of a specific project. We look forward to discussing the possibilities with you. Please get in touch with us!

"There is simply a lot of talent worldwide, and that is also due to World Press Photo. They have invested a lot in developing talent, raising the level of photojournalism worldwide." 

Nicole Robbers, photo editor, NRC Media 

Partner benefits

  • Attend a global jury session of our annual contest.
  • Attend the opening of our flagship exhibition in De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam.
  • Hear inspirational stories by photographers.

If you have any questions on becoming a corporate sponsor, leaving us in your will or supporting our work in another way, please contact:

Lennart Bak, Manager Fundraising

Our partners

“The partnership we have with World Press Photo is our most meaningful one." 

David Verweij, Sponsor Manager PwC the Netherlands

Corporations and funds who contribute to the World Press Photo Foundation see the impact of their investment through our enormous reach.

You could also donate to us directly via IBAN: NL69 ABNA 0213651033, BIC: ABNANL2A. Please note that if you donate by bank transfer, we do not get your contact details and will not be able to thank you personally for your gift.

The World Press Photo Foundation is accredited with ANBI status (RSIN number: 003596308) and a CBF seal of approval. Read more here.

Image credits (top to bottom, left to right): Katie Orlinsky; Frank van Beek, ANP