2013 Digital Storytelling Contest, Interactive Documentary, 1st prize

Alma: A Tale of Violence


ARTE, Upian

Alma belonged to one of the most violent gangs in Guatemala City. She has committed murder, battery, and brutality. Brutalized herself, she has been jailed many times.

With 18 murders a day, Guatemala is a country undermined by violence. Alma is typical of her generation, where youths grow up in a world in which laws and justice are flouted with impunity. Families mired in poverty, despair, and alcoholism destroy each other in gang warfare that has become an ordinary way of life – and death.

She was sentenced to death by her 'homies' the day she wanted to quit the gang. Yet she survived the bullets. Although she will never walk again, she is striving to rebuild her life.

Production team

    Directors: Miquel Dewever-Plana and Isabelle Fougère
    Producers: Alexandre Brachet and Margaux Missika
    Photography and camera: Miquel Dewever-Plana
    Text and interview: Isabelle Fougère
    Drawings: Hugues Micol
    Art Direction: Sébastien Brothier
    Music: Greg Corsaro
    Editing: Lydia Decobert
    Animation: Jérôme Gonçalvès
    Technical director: Maxime Quintard
    Flash developer: David Desprès