1967 Photo Contest, News Picture, Honorable mention

Cheong-han Aw

01 February, 2013

Local made 'Red Guard' in Shanghai during the so-called Shanghai People's Commune in February 1967. The Shanghai People’s Commune was established in early 1967 during China's Cultural Revolution. At the end of 1966 and the beginning of 1967, rebel factions (workers, students and revolutionary party leaders) in Shanghai took the initiative to seize power from party and government organizations. On 5 February 1967, they established the Shanghai Commune, which was to resemble the Paris Commune of 1871. During what became known as the January Storm, other rebel organizations in China followed Shanghai’s example, creating enormous chaos. The Commune lasted less than a month. By the end of February, the Commune was officially suspended by Chairman Mao himself and renamed the Shanghai Revolutionary Committee.

About the photographer

Cheong-han Aw

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