2006 Photo Contest, People in the News, 2nd prize

Jan Grarup

Politiken / Rapho

01 December, 2005

Ibrahim stands outside what used to be his house. He and his wife now live in a small tent with their three surviving children. Four of their other children were killed in the local school when it collapsed. The massive October earthquake in Kashmir affected one of the highest and most remote regions on earth. Difficult terrain slowed relief work, and later snow would disrupt efforts even further. Over three million people were left homeless by the quake. By December the harsh Himalayan winter was closing in. Most tents distributed by aid workers were not designed to cope with the extreme cold.

About the photographer

Jan Grarup

Grarup’s work reflects his belief in photojournalism’s role as an instrument of witness and memory to incite change, and the necessity of telling the stories of people who are re...

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